Reading Fiction in The Digital Age
Alexandra Glavanakova, PhD, is an associate professor in American Literature and Culture at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria. Her teaching, academic research and publications focus on the major cultural shifts in literacy, education, and literary studies under the impact of digital technology; on Bulgaria-North America transcultural studies, transatlantic dialogue and migrant identity. She is the author of two books Posthuman Transformations: Bodies and Texts in Cyberspace (2014) and Transcultural Imaginings. Translating the Other, Translating the Self in Narratives about Migration and Terrorism (2016); co-editor of New Paradigms in English Studies. Language, Linguistics, Literature and Culture in Higher Education (2017) and Swiftian Inspirations: The Legacy of Jonathan Swift from the Enlightenment to the Age of Post-Truth (2020).
Alexandra Glavanakova – Reading Fiction in The Digital Age (pdf)