The state of emergency: halfway between constitutional dictatorship and authoritarian impulses

Atanas Slavov (Assoc. Prof.) is a constitutional legal expert who teaches public law at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Public Administration Department). He holds a PhD in law (and political theology) from the University of Glasgow and a doctorate in constitutional law from Sofia University. He has been a lawyer since 2018 and prior to that he was a counsellor on constitutional issues to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice (2014–2015), a counsellor on legislative issues to the Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister (2016), a constitutional expert with the Council of Legislation at the Ministry of Justice, and a legal expert in the civil sector. He authors monographies “Civic participation in constitutional democracy“ (Ciela, 2017) and “Constitutional Supremacy. Essence and Safeguards” (2010). He is a member of the Board of the Institute of Direct Democracy, of the Institute for the Study of Religious Freedom, and a member of the Bulgarian Political Science Association and other civil organisations. 


Atanas Slavov – The State of Emergency (pdf)

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